Business Visas

If you have a history of business ownership or investing, it is possible to migrate to Australia as a business owner or investor. If you are interested expanding your business into Australia or starting a new business, then the Business Innovation Visa Stream may of interest to you. If you are keen to invest then there are several Investor Visa streams, which are dependent on the level of your investment in Australia.

Either stream under the Investor Visa Streams under the Business Innovation and Investment Temporary Visa (188) will enable you to:

• Live and work in Australia on a provisional basis and provides transition pathways to permanent residence by meeting the requirements for the Business Innovation and Investment Permanent Visa (888)

• Bring family members into Australia with you as part of your visa application

• Travel in and out of Australia for the duration of your visa

The Provisional (Subclass 188) visa are provisional and can later, if the conditions of that visa stream are met, be converted to a Permanent (Subclass 888) visa.

Business Innovation Visa:

The Business Innovation stream of the Subclass 188 visa ideal for people with great business skills who want to establish, develop and manage a new or existing business in Australia.

To be invited to apply for this visa you must first meet the eligibility criteria which include:

• You being actively involved in the daily running of your business(es)

• Passing the mandatory points test

• Being nominated by a State or Territory Government or Austrade.

This visa requires that you receive an invitation to apply and as such you will be requested to provide a range of information about yourself, your intended business and the source of your investment capital. The quality and content of your documentary evidence will impact upon whether you are invited to make a visa application.

Our registered migration agents assess your eligibility and advise you of the visa requirements. We assist you with every stage of the application process and help you with the transition to permanent residency.

Investor Visa

The Investor stream of the Subclass 188 visa ideal for people who have proven track record of managing their personal and business investments to a high standard and who want to make a designated investment in an Australian state or territory. Investors will be required to maintain business and investment activity in Australia after the original investment has matured.

Your eligibility for this visa type will depend on a range of factors including:

• your business management history

• your financial capacity to make the designated investment

• passing the mandatory points test and

• being nominated by an Australian State or Territory Government.

This visa requires that you receive an invitation to apply and as such you will be requested to provide a range of information about yourself you, your investment history and the source of your investment capital. The quality and content of your documentary evidence will impact upon whether you are invited to make a visa application.

Our registered migration agents assess your eligibility and advise you of the visa requirements. We assist you with every stage of the application process and help you with the transition to permanent residency.

Significant Investor Visa

The Significant Investor stream of the Subclass 188 visa ideal for people who have a successful track record of managing their personal and business investments and who willing to not only make a substantial investment in complying significant investments, but also to maintain business and investment activity in Australia.

Your eligibility for this visa type will depend on a range of factors including your financial capacity to make an investment of at least 5 million and being nominated by an Australian State or Territory Government.

This visa requires that you receive an invitation to apply and as such you will be requested to provide a range of information about yourself you and the source of your investment capital. The quality and content of your documentary evidence will impact upon whether you are invited to make a visa application.

Our registered migration agents assess your eligibility and advise you of the visa requirements. We assist you with every stage of the application process and help you with the transition to permanent residency.

How we can help you:

Our registered migration agents assess your eligibility and advise you of the visa requirements. We assist you with every stage of the application process and help you with the transition to permanent residency.

If you are interesting in learning more about the Business Innovation and Investment 188 Visa, please contact our experienced team at Migrate With Us.